Registering as a Midwife in Manitoba

Jurisprudence Exam

The CMM Midwifery Jurisprudence Exam is designed to test your knowledge, comprehension and ability to safely and appropriately apply your understanding of the foundational components (legislation, governance, standards and guidelines) of midwifery practice as it relates specifically to practice in Manitoba.

Prior to writing the CMM Midwifery Jurisprudence Exam, candidates should review the CMM Jurisprudence Handbook.

The CMM Midwifery Jurisprudence Exam is an open book exam. This means that you may consult all resources needed in order to successfully complete the exam as you answer the questions. There is no cost to write this exam. You may take the exam as many times as you need in order to pass it.

Access to the CMM Midwifery Jurisprudence Exam will be provided to you once you have submitted an application for registration to the CMM.