• Are there any bridging/gap training programs currently offered in Canada?
    British Columbia offers the UBC Internationally Educated Midwives Bridging Program.  It is a 9-month program, with a minimum of 7 weeks that takes place in Vancouver.  CMM approves this program. Contact UBC if you choose to complete this program.
  • Can I write the national exam (CMRE) before I complete a bridging/gap training program?
    No. You must complete a bridging program to become eligible to write the exam.
  • Can I register if I am not employed by a Regional Health Authority?
    In theory, yes, however currently all midwives practising in Manitoba are employed by an RHA. To practise outside of employment with an RHA you must purchase your own professional liability insurance and either charge patients a fee for service or be paid by a different employer. If you are considering practising via any other employer or via private practice please contact the CMM for further information.
  • Can I register with CMM while I am waiting to write the CMRE or receive my exam results?
    Candidates who meet all other registration requirements may apply to be registered as an exam candidate while waiting to write the CMRE or receive their exam results.
  • Can I apply for registration before I have secured employment?
    Yes. Once you have completed an approved education or assessment/gap training program the CMM will review your application and may provide you with a decision letter that states that you are eligible for registration pending proof of employment/insurance. This letter may help you secure employment.